Bradley Walsh, the host of ITV’s quiz show “The Chase,” has revealed that his on-air slip-ups are closely monitored by legal professionals present during filming. In an interview with Radio Times, Walsh explained that if he misreads a question, especially during the Final Chase, the compliance lawyers immediately intervene. The recording is paused, and he must re-ask the question from the exact point where the error occurred to ensure fairness. This process prevents any time loss for both the contestant and the Chaser.
Walsh emphasized the importance of maintaining a consistent speed when reading questions, stating that he must deliver them quickly to give contestants a fair chance. He also addressed allegations that he asks the Chasers’ questions more quickly than those of the contestants, refuting these claims by highlighting the presence of lawyers on set to oversee the process.
These measures are part of the show’s commitment to fairness and integrity, ensuring that all participants have an equal opportunity during the game.