“Wheel of Fortune” star Vanna White was left puzzled after social media users called her son Nikko Santo Pietro a “thirst trap.”
Last month, White, 67, shared an Instagram video in which she and Santo Pietro were seen in the kitchen as they cooked a chicken dish. After fans used the slang phrase to describe the 30-year-old real estate agent, White appeared to be unfamiliar with the meaning of the term during Thursday’s episode of the long-running game show.
“I recently posted a video of me and my son, Nikko, cooking and it got a lot of response,” the TV personality told her co-host Ryan Seacrest as the audience cheered.”I don’t get it,” White said with a shrug.
“The kids are calling Nikko a thirst trap,” Seacrest, 50, explained.
The “American Idol” host informed her that fans noticed Santo Pietro was wearing a snug-fitting white T-shirt in the clip.
“Apparently, that was a very tight — he went to the Baby Gap to buy that shirt,” Seacrest joked. “It was very tight and they found him strikingly good-looking and no one knows what you cooked.””What did you guys actually make?” he asked White.
“We cooked Uncle Roy’s Chicken,” White replied.
“Well, thank you Uncle Roy and thank you, Nikko, for that tight shirt,” Seacrest quipped.
White went on to tease that she would be posting another video on Thursday.
“Oh boy!” Seacrest said.
“What’s it going to be?” White said coyly to which Seacrest replied, “We’ll find out soon.”The “Vanna Speaks” author later shared another video of herself cooking with Santo Pietro, which was met with a similarly enthusiastic response from her followers.
After White uploaded the first cooking video in December, fans quickly took the comments section to rave over her “handsome” son and inquire about his relationship status.
“Vanna where have you been hiding Nikko ? He’s GORGEOUS,” one person wrote.