Statement From Lauderdale County Sheriff Regarding Today’s Indictments
I am saddened today by the Dyer County Grand Jury’s decision in the indictment of officers involved in the arrest of Jackson Hopper. I am filled with a flood of emotions ranging from confusion to hurt, not only for the officers and department but also for the family of Ellie Young. I cannot imagine the pain they are going through, and my heart goes out to them for having to relive the continuous overshadowing through the increased publicity of Jackson Hopper.
Since the introduction of the limited video coverage of Hopper’s arrest, my office has conducted a comprehensive internal investigation in collaboration with the 25th Judicial District Attorney General’s Office. This investigation left no stone unturned, reviewing multiple audio and video devices from various angles, audio communication from multiple dispatch agencies, eyewitness testimony, detailed documentation of officers, prior disciplinary actions, and individual officer training. The investigation determined that departmental policy violations occurred, and the officers received significant disciplinary action but no evidence warranting criminal prosecution.
I believe in our judicial system and am confident that all the evidence related to the case will eventually be made known. Until proven otherwise, I support all the officers who put their lives on the line against an impossible situation and ask everyone not to jump to judgment based on 60 seconds’ worth of video footage. I also would never condone any unprofessional behavior from my officers and understand that I need not jump to conclusions until I have reviewed any additional information provided.
Currently, no investigative information has been provided to my office from the investigating agencies. As the days pass, we will continue to request and review what is presented and determine how to proceed for the department and Lauderdale County.
Courtesy; Sheriff Kelley Lauderdale County Sheriff